Use landscape-paper where you want to kill weeds. Cover the landscape-paper with mulch; the paper rots down after a year, allowing you to hoe the ground to keep those weeds under control.
Some weeds need light to germinate, to start growing. All plants need light to keep growing. Even perennial, deep-rooted weeds like dock weed will exhaust their stored food supply and die if they cannot photosynthesise because light is excluded.
Mulch does a good job of excluding any light; it also stops wind blown seeds from reaching the ground and rooting. Mulch however will not stop deep-rooted weeds from growing through it.
The mulch needs something Sprinkler System underneath if it is to have any chance of stopping dock weed or dandelions. Weed control fabric is designed to do that job. It does so very well, but weed control fabric allows wind blown seeds to put roots down, through it, to the soil. These weeds cannot then be removed by hoeing, because the fabric stops the hoe cutting off the weed just below ground level.
landscape-paper is a new, lower cost, alternative Sprinkler System to weed control fabric.
You roll out the landscape-paper onto your vegetable or flower garden. You cut 3 inch diameter holes in it and plant your annuals, cabbages and onions through the holes. Cover the landscape-paper with mulch and you have an attractive looking and totally weed-free vegetable garden or annual border .
landscape-paper comes in rolls 3 feet wide and 25 feet long. It is a pale brown color and it is biodegradable. The paper only lasts one season, but its low cost means that replacing it next season is no big deal.
For those who are growing organically landscape-paper is certified as suitable for growing organic vegetables because it contains no bleach or artificial additives.
If landscape-paper is not available where you live there are similar alternatives you might consider using.
Woodchip wallpaper is the first alternative, low cost, non-bleached paper with splinters stuck in it. It will cover the ground in exactly the same way and rot down into the soil after a year. Wallpaper rolls are only about 2 feet wide though, so by the time you have done more overlapping than with the wider landscape-paper your savings will be minimal.
The paper underlay designed for underneath carpets migh t be a better alternative. It has no splinters in it and it is usually 6 feet wide, meaning less is wasted through overlaps.
Sheets of newspaper will also do the same job of separating mulch from soil, but these will not stop deep-rooted weeds in the same way as the others will. Use color printed newspaper if you want them to rot down more slowly.
You can also use newspaper sheets where you are laying turf. Just put the newspaper down on top of the raked soil. Weigh them down with stones and leave them for a month. Most of the weeds will have died by the end of the month and you can just roll the turf out on top of the newspaper.
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Use landscape-paper where you want to kill weeds. Cover the landscape-paper with mulch; the paper rots down after a year, allowing you to hoe the ground to keep those weeds under control.
Some weeds need light to germinate, to start growing. All plants need light to keep growing. Even perennial, deep-rooted weeds like dock weed will exhaust their stored food supply and die if they cannot photosynthesise because light is excluded.
Mulch does a good job of excluding any light; it also stops wind blown seeds from reaching the ground and rooting. Mulch however will not stop deep-rooted weeds from growing through it.
The mulch needs something underneath if it is to have any chance of stopping dock weed or dandelions. Weed control fabric is designed to do that job. It does so very well, but weed control fabric allows wind blown seeds to put roots down, through it, to the soil. These weeds cannot then be removed by hoeing, because the fabric stops the hoe cutting off the weed just below ground level.
landscape-paper is a new, lower cost, alternative to weed control fabric.
You roll out the landscape-paper onto your vegetable or flower garden. You cut 3 inch diameter holes in it and plant your annuals, cabbages and onions through the holes. Cover the landscape-paper with mulch and you have an attractive looking and totally weed-free vegetable garden or annual border.
landscape-paper comes in rolls 3 feet wide and 25 feet long. It is a pale brown color and it is biodegradable. The paper only lasts one season, but its low cost means that replacing it next season is no big deal.
For those who are growing organically landscape-paper is certified as suitable for growing organic vegetables because it contains no bleach or artificial additives.
If landscape-paper is not available where you live there are similar alternatives you might consider using.
Woodchip wallpaper is the first alternative, low cost, non-bleached paper with splinters stuck in it. It will cover the ground in exactly the same way and rot down into the Sprinkler System Installation Flower Mound soil after a year. Wallpaper rolls are only about 2 feet wide though, so by the time you have done more overlapping than with the wider landscape-paper your savings will be minimal.
The paper underlay designed for underneath carpets might be a better alternative. It has no splinters in it and it is usually 6 feet wide, meaning less is wasted through overlaps.
Sheets of newspaper will also do the same job of separating mulch from soil, but these will not stop deep-rooted weeds in the same way as the others will. Use color printed newspaper if you want them to rot down more slowly.
You can also use newspaper sheets where you are laying turf. Just put the newspaper down on top of the raked soil. Weigh them down with stones and leave them for a month. Most of the weeds will have died by the end of the month and you can just roll the turf out on top of the newspaper.
"We're so used to Southern California having these beautiful, lush lawns and palm trees and seasonal flowers," she told me by phone from Culver City, a suburb of Los Angeles, where she Sprinkler System Installation Greenville is general manager at a landscaping business called A Greener Tomorrow. But now, because of the drought and new water regulations, "I'm telling you, all I see is Arizona and Las Vegas."
"Who's going to be willing to pay?" she said. "You can't maintain a lawn!"
The idea of Los Angeles -- much less Bel Air and Beverly Hills -- ripping out its water-sucking lawns and oh-so-thirsty flowers is indeed a shock, especially if installing and maintaining those lawns is your livelihood. But consider the context : California is in an extreme drought. Snowpack in the state, one measure of how much water will be available this summer, is at an all-time low, at just 5% of normal. Rivers are running dry, as I found last summer on a three-week trip down the San Joaquin. With no water at the surface, farmers are turning below the ground, pumping out groundwater at such an alarming rate that the land actually is sinking. In some places, that's happening at the truly astounding rate of almost 1 foot per year.
I see where Uribe's coming from. The 35-year-old loves the colorful, landscaped version of Los Angeles. And she fears a drab, monochromatic future -- a blah city, all dirt and rocks.
But this is a crisis. And the California lawn is a reasonable casualty.
I applaud Gov. Jerry Brown's recent push to require all cities and towns to cut their water use by 25%. To help local entities with the new mandate, the state plans to support the replacement of 50 million square feet of lawns with drought-tolerant plants (otherwise known as "cash for grass"), create a rebate system so residents will get help replacing water-hogging appliances with more efficient models, require golf courses to cut water use, and ban watering the grass found on public street medians, among other provisions.
The total savings, according to the governor's office, will be 1.5 million acre feet of water over nine months. For context, 1 million acre feet is said by environmental groups to be as much water as 2 million families would need in a y ear.The state's focus on lawns makes sense given that grass and other landscaping account for up to 50% of all urban water use, said Ellen Hanak, a senior fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. "It's nice for us to have trees and landscapes, but we could do that with half of the water," she said. "It's not like it's going to mean the end of our economy or the end of our way of life."
If anything, the requirements don't go far enough.
Each year, California uses 6 million more acre feet of water "than our rivers and aquifers can sustainably provide," according to a 2014 report from the Pacific Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council. Those groups found 14 million acre feet of water per year could be saved if a number of changes were made to the way cities and farms operate. Among the recommendations: More-efficient farming techniques, including drip irrigation and "smart irrigation scheduling," which waters crops exactly when and where they nee d it.
So Brown's plan won't fix California's water woes.
But it's an important start.
Next, the state should direct its focus to farms, which consume 80% of all human-used water in California and generate only 2% of the state's gross domestic product. It's reasonable, if politically tricky, for the state to focus more attention on the industry that consumes more water than any other. California can create a water budget that allows farms, people and fish to thrive.Much water can be saved with newer technologies, without forcing farmers to give up the land they use to grow crops, said Heather Cooley, water program director at the Pacific Institute.
"California is facing a drought of epic proportions, and we need to work together to reduce the use of water so there's sufficient water for cit ies, for farms and for ecosystems," she told me. "We need to be preparing not only for this drought but for the next one."
And that's the crux of it.
This California drought has been extreme. But in the future, as the climate continues to warm, Cooley and others say the state likely will see more hot, dry years like this.
They won't seem so abnormal, sadly.
All the more reason it's good for California to deal with its grass problem pronto.
If it's smart, it can do so without looking like the Arizona desert.
In other states, sprinkler legislation died or is pending until next year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Connecticut, for example, is deferring action until next year. A measure requiring automatic fire extinguishing systems in one- and two-family homes failed to make it to a vote in the Public Safety and Security Committee.
Sen. Anthony Guglielmo, the committee's ra nking Republican senator, said legislators did not have enough information about the cost to builders and municipalities that would enforce the law. Legislators will take up the issue next year only after hearing the recommendations of officials and others brought together by the state Department of Public Safety, he said.
The International Code Council, an organization of building inspectors, fire officials and others who set building standards, recommended in 2009 that states and municipalities adopt codes requiring sprinkler systems in homes and townhouses less than three stories high. The regulations took effect Jan. 1.
The National Fire Protection Association has said sprinklers will particularly help young children, the elderly and the disabled by giving them time to escape burning homes.
Opponents of requiring sprinklers cite their cost -- and subsequent impact on home prices -- and voters' dissatisfaction with government mandates.
In Missouri, lawmakers extended for eight years rules that require builders to offer sprinklers but do not mandate them.
"Our main concern, in this housing market, is that the requirement for mandatory fire sprinklers could cost $7,000 to $15,000 per home," said Missouri state Sen. Eric Schmitt, Republican chairman of the Jobs, Economic Development and Local Government Committee. "In this market, it's very difficult to justify."
In New Hampshire, Gov. John Lynch tried to vetoed legislation that prohibited local planning boards from requiring sprinkler systems in homes as a condition of approval for local permits. The decision about whether to require fire sprinklers should remain a local one, Lynch said.
Legislators overrode the veto.
Sen. John S. Barnes, Republican chairman of the Public Municipal Affairs Committee, said the override vote was not easy because he typical ly favors local control. But he does not believe any government body should be ordering homeowners to install fire sprinklers.
"If I buy or build a house, I think I should decide whether I put in a sprinkler system," he said.
John A. Viniello, president of the National Fire Sprinkler Association, said the process by which codes are approved is flawed. Codes regulating wiring, construction and other facets of home construction are informed by expert advice from industry and others, he said.
But when legislatures have a role in the process, codes too often are modified or scuttled, he said.
"Once the politicians get involved, it's over," he said.
SUSSEX, Wis. -- Thanks to an ill-timed painting break, a water tower emblazoned with the word "sex" is greeting drivers as they pass through a town in southeast Wisconsin.
The gaff turned up in Sussex, a village about 20 miles northwest of Milwaukee.
WTMJ-TV reports that workers painting the town's name on the water tower stopped midway through to allow the paint to dry Wednesday. They planned to finish painting the town's name Thursday.
One driver, Jessica Bruss, told the Milwaukee television station she "almost drove off the road" when her 8-year-old son pointed out the word as they drove past the water tower Wednesday on their way to his first baseball game.
"'Mom, why does that say sex?'" Bruss recounted her son saying. "I immediately thought, 'Not today, we're not having this conversation today.'"
Bruss says the unfinished paint work may be funny for adults, but added: "People should remember that kids are seeing it."
Resident Chris Aykroid wroteon his website that workers made the same mistake the last time the tower was painted in 1996, warranting a mention in Playboy.
2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
From unfamiliar visitors to pesky local wildlife, man's best friend would do anything Sprinkler Installation to protect us from potential harm. Even if that potential Sprinkler Installation harm comes in the form of a sprinkler.
Deep down we appreciate their steadfast and earnest guardianship, of course, but we can't help but laugh when these heroic pups are thwarted time and again by their elusive grass-watering enemies. So in celebration of our four-legged warriors, we searched for some of the funniest dog vs. sprinkler battles on the Web. Vote for your favorites below!
Motorola's Moto E4 and E4 Plus are Official, Priced as Low as $129.99 | Droid Life
The Moto E4 and Moto E4 Plus, Motorola's 4th generation phones in the E line, are now official after being announced this morning. Like previous Moto E phones, these are ultra-budget devices, priced for all to be able to afford without completely gutting them of quality specs and software experiences. Each phone will arrive in the coming months, and yes, both are headed to the US.
For the most part, the Moto E4 and E4 Plus are very similar. Their designs match previous Moto phones fr om 2017, but their sizes and Electrician Service internals do differ. The Moto E4 features a 5-inch HD display, either a Snapdragon 425 or 427 processor, 2GB RAM, 16GB storage, 2800mAh battery, and an 8MP rear camera. The Moto E4 Plus features a 5.5-inch HD display, Snapdragon 427 processor, either 16GB or 32GB storage, 2GB RAM, 5000mAh battery, and a 13MP rear camera.
Both phones run Android 7.1 "Nougat" and have fingerprint readers, "elegant" metal bodies, and come in either gold or black colorways.
The Moto E4 starts out at $129.99, while the Moto E4 Plus will start at $179.99. There will be an Amazon Prime Exclusive version of the Moto E4 as well, though Motorola hasn't offered pricing yet. We don't know a launch date yet either, but we should see each as early as this month.
Moto E4 / Mo to E4 Plus Specs
Moto E4Moto E4 PlusDisplay5" HD 720p (1280x720)
2.5D cover glass5.5" HD (1280x720)
2.5D cover GlassProcessorQuad-core 1.4 GHz , Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 or
Bluetooth 4.1Network BandsGSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
CDMA 850
WCDMA 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz
CDMA 1900/850+
LTE TDD Band 38/41
FDD Band 1/2/4/5/7/8/12/13/17/25/26/66GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
CDMA 850
WCDMA 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz
CDMA 1900/850+
LTE TDD Band 38/41
FDD Band 1/2/4/5/7/8/12/13/17/25/26/66Other3.5mm headphone, GPS, Nano SIM, Micro USB port3.5mm headphone, GPS, Nano SIM, Micro USB portSize144.5 x 72 x 9.3mm
Hawaii has become the first state to enact a law that aligns with the Paris agreement after its governor signed two bills into law Tuesday that "support the commitments and goals" of the accord, Gov. David Ige's office announced Tuesday.
The governor, as well as the state's county mayors and state representatives gathered in Honolulu to sign two bills and a mayor's agreement in support of the Paris agreement, according to a press release.
Ige signed Senate Bill 559, which "expands strategies and mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions statewid e," the release states. Ige also signed House Bill 1578, which aims to "identify agricultural and aquacultural practices to improve soil health and promote carbon sequestration - the capture and long-term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide to mitigate climate change."
In a statement, Ige said the state of Hawaii is "committed to environmental stewardship" and is looking "forward to working with other states to fight global climate change."
"Together, we can directly contribute to the global agenda of achieving a more resilient and sustainable island Earth," Ige said. "The Hawaii State Legislature understands the importance of taking action, and I applaud its work this session to ensure that we continue to deliver the island Earth that we want to leave to our children."
Hawaii became the http:// first state Tuesday to enact a law that aligns with the Paris agreement.
Sen. J. Kalani English, the senate majority leader who introduced SB 559, said the the state law will give lawmakers a "legal basis to continue adaption and mitigation strategies" for the state, "despite the Federal government's withdrawal from the treaty."
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell and representatives for other mayors in the state also signed a statement declaring continuing support for the Paris agreement.
Hawaii became the first state Tuesday to enact a law that aligns with the Paris agreement.
Last week, several state governors and dozens of mayors across the U.S. pledged to uphold the guidelines set forth in the Paris Accord following President Donald Trump's announcement that he was removing the U.S. from the agreement.
A garden is a planned space, usua lly outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made materials. The most common form today is known as a residential garden, but the term garden has traditionally been a more general one. Zoos, which display wild animals in simulated natural habitats, were formerly called zoological gardens.[1][2] Western gardens are almost universally based on plants, with garden often signifying a shortened form of botanical garden.
Some traditional types of eastern gardens, such as Zen gardens, use plants sparsely or not at all. Xeriscape gardens use local native plants that do not require irrigation or extensive use of other resources while still providing the benefits Sprinkler System Mckinney of a garden environment. Gardens may exhibit structural enhancements, sometimes called follies, including water features such as fountai ns, ponds (with or without fish), waterfalls or creeks, dry creek beds, statuary, arbors, trellises and more.
Some gardens are for ornamental purposes only, while some gardens also produce food crops, sometimes in separate areas, or sometimes intermixed with the ornamental plants. Food-producing gardens are distinguished from farms by their smaller scale, more labor-intensive methods, and their purpose (enjoyment of a hobby rather than produce for sale). Flower gardens combine plants of different heights, colors, textures, and fragrances to create interest and delight the senses.
Gardening is the activity of growing and maintaining the garden. This work is done by an amateur or professional gardener. A gardener might also work in a non-garden setting, such as a park, a roadside embankment, or other public space. Landscape architecture is a related professional activity with landscape architects tending to specialise in design for public and corporate clients.
Co ntents
1 Etymology
2 Garden design
3 Designs for the Perfect Garden
4 Elements of a garden
5 Uses for the garden space
6 Types of gardens
7 Environmental impacts of gardens
8 Watering gardens
9 Wildlife in gardens
10 Climate change and gardens
11 In religion, art, and literature
12 Other similar spaces
13 See also
14 Notes
15 External links
Nicosia municipal gardens, Cyprus
The etymology of the word gardening refers to enclosure: it is from Middle English gardin, from Anglo-French gardin, jardin, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gard, gart, an enclosure or compound, as in Stuttgart. See Grad (Slavic settlement) for more complete etymology.[3] The words yard, court, and Latin hortus (meaning "garden," hence horticulture and orchard), are cognates--all referring to an enclosed space.[4]
The term "garden" in British English refers to a small enclosed area of land, usually adjoining a building.[5] This would be referred to as a yard in American English.
Garden design
Main article: Garden design
Garden design is the creation of plans for the layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Gardens may be designed b y garden owners themselves, or by professionals. Professional garden designers tend to be trained in principles of design and horticulture, and have a knowledge and experience of using plants. Some professional garden designers are also landscape architects, a more formal level of training that usually requires an advanced degree and often a state license.
Elements of garden design include the layout of hard landscape, such as paths, rockeries, walls, water features, sitting areas and decking, as well as the plants themselves, with consideration for their horticultural requirements, their season-to-season appearance, lifespan, growth habit, size, speed of growth, and combinations with other plants and landscape features. Consideration is also given to the maintenance needs of the garden, including the time or funds available for regular maintenance, which can affect the choices of plants regarding speed of growth, spreading or self-seeding of the plants, whether annual or per ennial, and bloom-time, and many other characteristics. Garden design can be roughly divided into two groups, formal and naturalistic gardens.[6]
The most important consideration in any garden design is, how the garden will be used, followed closely by the desired stylistic genres, and the way the garden space will connect to the home or other structures in the surrounding areas. All of these considerations are subject to the limitations of the budget. Budget limitations can be addressed by a simpler garden style with fewer plants and less costly hardscape materials, seeds rather than sod for lawns, and plants that grow quickly; alternatively, garden owners may choose to create their garden over time, area by area.
Example of a garden attached to a place of worship: the cloister of the Abbey of Monreale, Sicily, Italy
The Sunken Garden of Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia
Gardens of Versailles (France)
The back garden of the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, India
Tropical garden in the Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore in Singapore
Flower-bed with the date in Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy
Gardens at Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia, feature many heirloom varieties of plants.
Shitenn?-ji Honbo Garden in Osaka, Osaka prefecture, Japan - an example of a zen garden.
Designs for the Perfect Garden
Greenery enclosures are for yards and family play fields, as well as be ideal areas for capacity sheds wherein one can just essentially stock unused family unit stuffs in the shed. As a component of the whole house outside, it is just however legitimate that garden sheds will likewise look adequate and in-in respect to the house's outline.
Elements of a garden
Garden at the centre of intersection in Shanghai.
Natu ralistic design of a Chinese garden incorporated into the landscape, including a pavilion
Garden with Fountains, Villa d'Este, Italy.
Most gardens consist of a mix of natural and constructed elements, although even very 'natural' gardens are always an inherently artificial creation. Natural elements present in a garden principally comprise flora (such as trees and weeds), fauna (such as arthropods and birds), soil, water, air and light . Constructed elements include paths, patios, decking, sculptures, drainage systems, lights and buildings (such as sheds, gazebos, pergolas and follies), but also living constructions such as flower beds, ponds and lawns.
Uses for the garden space
Partial view from the Botanic al Garden of Curitiba (Southern Brazil): parterres, flowers, fountains, sculptures, greenhouses and tracks composes the place used for recreation and to study and protect the flora.
A garden can have aesthetic, functional, and recreational uses:
Cooperation with nature
Plant cultivation
Garden-based learning
Observation of nature
Bird- and insect-watching
Reflection on the changing seasons
Family dinners on the terrace
Children playing in the garden
Reading and relaxing in the hammock
Maintaining the flowerbeds
Pottering in the shed
Basking in warm sunshine
Escaping oppressive sunlight and heat
Growing useful produce
Flowers to cut and bring inside for indoor beauty
Fresh herbs and vegetables for cooking
Types of gardens
A typical Italian garden at Villa Garzoni, near Pistoia
An ornamental garden in the Auburn Botanical Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Gardens may feature a particular plant or plant type(s);
Back garden
Bog garden
Cactus garden
Color garden
Flower garden
Front yard
Kitchen garden
Mary garden
Rose garden
Shade garden
Wildflower garden
Winter garden
Gardens may feature a particular style or aesthetic:
Chinese garden
Dutch garden
English landscape garden
Gardens of the French Renaissance
French formal garden
French landscape garden
Italian Renaissance gar den
Japanese garden
Knot garden
Korean garden
Mughal garden
Natural landscaping
Persian garden
Roman gardens
Spanish garden
Trial garden
Tropical garden
Water garden
Wild garden
Zen garden
Types of garden:
Botanical garden
Butterfly garden
Butterfly zoo
Cold frame garden
Community garden
Container garden
Cottage garden
Cutting garden
Forest garden
Garden conservatory
Green wall
Hanging garden
Hydroponic garden
Market garden
Rain garden
Raised bed gardening
Residential garden
Roof garden
Sacred garden
Sensory garden
Square foot garden
Vertical garden
Walled garden
Zoological garden
Environmental impacts of gardens
Gardeners may cause environmental damage by the way they garden, or they may enhance their local environment. Damage by gardeners can include direct destruction of natural habitats when houses and gardens are created; indirect habitat destruction and damage to provide garden materials such as peat, rock for rock gardens, and by the use of tapwater to irrigate gardens; the death of living beings in the garden itself, such as the killing not only of slugs and snails but also their predators such as hedgehogs and song thrushes by metaldehyde slug killer; the death of living beings outside the garden, such as local species extinction by indiscriminate plant collectors; and climate change caused by greenhouse gases produced by gardening.
Watering gardens
Some gardeners manage their gardens without using any water from outside the garden, and therefore do not deprive wetland habitats of the water they need to survive. Examples in Britain include Ventnor Botanic Garden on the Isle of Wight, and parts of Beth Chatto's garden in Essex, Sticky Wicket garden in Dorset, and the Royal Horticultural Society's gardens at Harlow Carr and Hyde Hall. Rain gardens absorb rainfall falling onto nearby hard surfaces, rather than sending it into stormwater drains.[7] For irrigation, see rainwater, sprinkler system, drip irrigation, tap water, greywater, hand pump and watering can.
Wildlife in gardens
Chris Baines's classic book 'How to make a wildlife garden'[8] was first published in 1985, and is still a good source of advice on how to create and manage a wildlife garden.
Climate change and gardens
Climate change will have many impacts on gardens, most of them negative, and these are detailed in 'Gardening in the Global Greenhouse' by Richard Bisgrove and Paul Hadley.[9] Gardens also contribute to climate change. Greenhouse gases can be produced by gardeners in many ways. The three main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide . Gardeners produce carbon dioxide directly by overcultivating soil and destroying soil carbon, by burning garden 'waste' on bonfires, by using power tools which burn fossil fuel or use electricity generated by fossil fuels, and by using peat. Gardeners produce methane by compacting the soil and making it anaerobic, and by allowing their compost heaps to become compacted and anaerobic. Gardeners produce nitrous oxide by applying excess nitrogen fertiliser when plants are not actively growing so that the nitrogen in the fertiliser is converted by soil bacteria to nitrous oxide. Gardeners can help to prevent climate change in many ways, including the use of trees, shrubs, ground cover plants and other perennial plants in their gardens, turning garden 'waste' into soil organic matter instead of burning it, keeping soil and compost heaps aerated, avoiding peat, switching from power tools to hand tools or changing their garden design so that power tools are not needed, and using nitrogen -fixing plants instead of nitrogen fertiliser.[10]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera La finta giardiniera
Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden
Elizabeth von Arnim's novels Elizabeth and Her German Garden and Solitary Summer
John Steinbeck's short-story The Chrysanthemums
John Berendt's novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
In Daphne du Maurier's novel "Rebecca" the unnamed narrator discovers that her husband loves his house and garden at Manderley so much that he murdered his first wife, Rebecca, when she told him she was pregnant with somebody else's child and that the child would inherit Manderley.
Other similar spaces
Other outdoor spaces that are similar to gardens include:
A landscape Sprinkler System Installation Mckinney is an outdoor space of a larger scale, natural or designed, usually unenclosed and considered from a distance.
A park is a planned outdoor space, usually enclosed ('imparked') and of a larger size. Public parks are for public use.
An arboretum is a planned outdoor space, usually large, for the display and study of trees.
A farm or orchard is for the production of food stuff.
A botanical garden is a type of garden where plants are grown both for scientific purposes and for the enjoyment and education of visitors.
A zoological garden, or zoo for short, is a place where wild animals are cared for and exhibited to the public.
A Kindergarten is a preschool educational institution for children and in the very sense of the word should have access or be part of a garden.
A Mnnergarten is a temporary day-care and activities space for men in German-speaking countries while their wives or girlfriends go shopping. Historically, the expression has also been used for gender-specific sections in lunatic asylums, monasteries and clinics.[11]
See also
Around the World in 80 Gardens
Bottle garden
Climate-friendly gardening
Community gardening
Garden centre
Garden tourism
Heritage Gardens in Australia
History of gardening
Hortus conclusus
List of botanical gardens
List of companion plants
List of gardens
Museum of Garden History
National Public Gardens Day
Paradise, originally from an Iranian word meaning "enclosed," related to Garden of Eden
Verde Pulgar, a software application that assists with gardening
The Victory Garden TV series
Walled garden
Water garden
^ Garden history: philosophy and design, 2000 BC--2000 AD, Tom Turner. New York: Spon Press, 2005. ISBN 0-415-31748-7
^ The earth knows my name: food, culture, and sustainability in the gardens of ethnic Americans, Patricia Klindienst. Boston: Beacon Press, c2006. ISBN 0-8070-8562-6
^ "Etymology of the modern word gardin". Merriam Webster.
^ "Etymology of words referring to enclosures, probably from a Sanskrit stem. In German, for example, Stuttgart. The word is generic for compounds and walled cities, as in Stalingrad, and the Russian word for city, gorod. Gird and girdle are also related". Archived from the original on 2010-02-13.
^ The Compact Oxford English Dictionary
^ Chen, Gang (2010). Planting design illustrated (2nd ed.). Outskirts Press, Inc. p.3. ISBN978-1-4327-4197-6.
^ Dunnett and Clayden, Nigel and Andy (2007). Rain Gardens: Managing Water Sustainably in the Garden and Designed Landscape. Portland, Oregon, USA: Timber Press. ISBN978-0881928266.
^ Baines, Chris (2000). How to make a wildlife garden. London: Frances Lincoln. I SBN978-0711217119.
^ Bisgrove and Hadley, Richard and Paul (2002). Gardening in the Global Greenhouse: The impacts of climate change on gardens in the UK. Oxford: UK Climate Impacts Programme.
^ Ingram, Vince-Prue, and Gregory (editors), David S., Daphne, and Peter J. (2008). Science and the Garden: The scientific basis of horticultural practice. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN9781405160636.
^ See: Jakob Fischel, Prag's K. K. Irrenanstalt und ihr Wirken seit ihrem Entstehen bis incl. 1850. Erlangen: Enke, 1853, OCLC14844310 (German)
External links
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Garden
Media related to Garden at Wikimedia Commons
Media related to Gardens at Wikimedia Commons
Media related to Gardens by type at Wikimedia Commons
Media related to File:CIA_memorial_garden_with_stone.jpg at Wikimedia Commons
Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica article garden.
Wikibooks' A Wikimanual of Garde ning has more about this subject:
Horticulture and gardening
Garden tool
Green wall
French intensive
Historic conservation
Raised bed
Square foot
Types of gardens
Companion planting
most valuable
Genetically modified tree
Landscape architecture
drought tolerance
Postharvest physiology
Biodynamic agriculture
List of organic gardening and farming topics
Vegan organic gardening
Plant protection
Index of pesticide articles
List of fungicides
Plant disease forecasting
Weed control
Agriculture and agronomy portal
Gardening portal
Authority control
GND: 4019286-6
NDL: 00572757
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